Monday, March 12, 2012

Music Monday- Anthem Lights

Alrighty it is has been a week since I posted. But back to
it this week with Music Monday and a song for all of 
you ladies out there. And well I guess you men too. Take
some notes fellas. A fairly new group of handsome 
young guys called Anthem Lights! 

What I love most about these guys, is their love for Christ.
Nothing unmanly about making a stand for the Lord.
The song I am posting today is not actually their song.
(But you should take a listen to all of their music 
because you cannot go wrong with any of their songs.
Each guy in this group could stand on his own but
together is WOW!!) Today's song  is a cover from 
Bruno Mars and I think they kill it!! 
They are singing about how men should love women. 
AND the fact that you know that they love Jesus makes
it even well... hotter! I respect this song SOOO much more 
coming from these God fearing men then I do coming
from the one who actually wrote it. 

  Ladies, you want a man who loves you for who
you are inside and out. A man that sees your true
beauty. A man that loves you with a real love that
expects nothing in return. And I personally believe
that men who love Christ with all that they are, will
know better how to love you with all that they are.

AND you are welcome!!

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